Tag Archives: outdoor fitness

Five Reasons I’m Glad It’s Summer


Aside from the current heat wave we are having in New York, I’m thrilled we are finally getting some nice weather and that my favorite season has officially arrived. Five healthy reasons why I’m just so glad it’s here:

  1. My CSA

CSA stands for Community Shared Agriculture. It’s a little costly, but a friend and I are splitting it. It started the first week of June and goes approximately to Thanksgiving. Each week we pick up our vegetables at the designated pick-up spot, and I’m always glad I’m sharing the box with someone because there are SO many vegetables that come each week! This year, I’m doing the CSA through Golden Earthwork Organic Farm, and they’ve been really great. Each week they send out a newsletter with what vegetables come in the share, information about the vegetables and how to prepare them, and some great recipe suggestions. I truly feel like it is Christmas once a week but in vegetable form. But to me, summer is about fresh food and trying new things, and my CSA allows me to do just that.  Every week I’m left with a bunch of vegetables and herbs that I need to use up, and I find that I’m getting a lot more creative in my cooking to figure out how I can use all of these different things. Who has truly heard of, let alone eaten, kohlrabi? Well, it came in my share last week, and it’s fantastic! (PS- try using it like coleslaw or dicing it up in a salad). I feel like I’m getting some great nutrients from all of these different vegetables, too. More to come on the CSA – I’ll be sure to post some recipes as I continue to try new things!

2. Outdoor exercise opportunities

I tried to take up a running career. I tried to start training for a 10K this summer. Then I ended up with tendonitis in my foot, so there goes that. Because life is all about impeccable timing, the tendonitis came a week before my big dance recital (I own a dance studio – more to come about that down the line, too). Nonetheless, the warm, beautiful weather means more outdoor exercise opportunities in general – whether you prefer walking, running, biking, etc. To me, there is nothing as peaceful as going for an early morning bike ride during the warm-weather months! It’s a great time to get moving because it also allows you to enjoy the sun, too!

 3. Warm weather = warm muscles

As a dancer and athlete, I have (and have had) a lot of injuries.  Like the tendonitis I’m currently nursing in my foot. And my chronic back and hip problems. Not only do I just hate being cold, but this is another reason why I hate the winter months – my muscles just seize up and are so tight that the chronic issues I deal with daily usually become worse. But you know that feeling in April when you start to get a couple of warm weather days and it feels as though your entire body thaws from a long winter? That’s why I love spring and summer. It takes less time for my body to warm up when I’m dancing or working out, and everything feels a whole lot better. Not to mention that cold muscles make you far more prone to injury!

 4. Time to refocus

As a teacher, the beginning of summer is such a relief. We can escape dealing with kids for a little while and recharge. To me, it also means that I can relax a little and catch up on some reading that I didn’t have time to do during the year.  This year is going to require some more refocusing and readjusting, though.  I just successfully completed my first year as a dance studio owner (pending the recital this week), and while we have a summer session running, I can take a little break from the constant every day craziness. My boyfriend, Kevin, and I are moving in together in a few weeks – I am very excited but also know it will take a little adjusting at first.  Prior to buying the dance studio, my first career choice was social studies teacher, which I have been trying my hand at for the last 3 years. However, the New York teacher job market sucks, and every year I’m left wondering what I’m doing in September. This year I have some home tutoring lined up for September, but I feel as though I’ve reached a cross roads in my yet-to-blossom career. Time to recharge, refocus, and figure out exactly what direction I’d like my life to go.

 5. Beach Time!

Speaking of enjoying the sun, I am so glad that Long Island beaches are up and running again after being devastated by Hurricane Sandy. I am always very careful with my skin at the beach, though. I recently came across a new sunscreen product that I am in LOVE with. I am a Birchbox subscriber, and every month I get a box full of sample size makeup/beauty/health products to try. Last month I received a sample size of Coola moisturizer with SPF 30. It’s an organic sun care line, and the cucumber moisturizer literally feels like a tall drink of water for my face. I would highly recommend checking it out!